Nothing can make you happier than feeling like you are on the right path within your creative work...

There's a whole different meaning to your business when you are doing it for the absolute love of it & creating authentic work as opposed to doing it just for the money.

Don't get me wrong, owning a business is massively about earning money because we need money to live, and although money talk is very taboo, I am very open and honest about it when it comes to my business. What I mean by this is, although we need money to live, having a business which fulfils you will make you excited to work & in turn, give your clients a whole other level of amazing experience.

That is why finding your style & figuring out where you want your business to take you is so important.

So, what i want you to do is...

Ask yourself the following questions...

Knowing more about yourself and the way you are feeling is super helpful when running a business, you'd be surprised how many of your answers will help you to learn more about yourself, and in turn, help you navigate your business to it's best place. The answers you are looking for are already in you.

(Use these as journal prompts and really deep dive into it, and let the answers flow naturally. Whatever you think, write down. Ask yourself these questions now and then again in 3 months time. Then again in 6 months time. Then again in 3 years time. Never stop asking yourself these questions and driving your business forward to exactly where you want it to be!)

So, what i want you to do is...

Ask yourself the following questions...

Knowing more about yourself and the way you are feeling is super helpful when running a business, you'd be surprised how many of your answers will help you to learn more about yourself, and in turn, help you navigate your business to it's best place. The answers you are looking for are already in you.

(Use these as journal prompts and really deep dive into it, and let the answers flow naturally. Whatever you think, write down. Ask yourself these questions now and then again in 3 months time. Then again in 6 months time. Then again in 3 years time. Never stop asking yourself these questions and driving your business forward to exactly where you want it to be!)

Question one

Describe your current style of work in 5 words...

Describe your dream style of work in 5 words...

What do you need to get from your current style of work to your dream style of work?


What is currently holding you back from your dream reality? And how do you plan to get to that place? Now, make a plan of action to get to that place. 1 week goals, 3 month goals, 6 month goals.

(Lack of experience, life is just getting in the way, I don't know where to go next... the list goes on)


What is currently holding you back from your dream reality? And how do you plan to get to that place? Now, make a plan of action to get to that place. 1 week goals, 3 month goals, 6 month goals.

(Lack of experience, life is just getting in the way, I don't know where to go next... the list goes on)


What characteristics do you currently love about you and your business? Why would a client choose to invest in your work?


What can you do to make yourself feel more confident? If a friend was doubting themselves, what advice would you give?


When was the last time you doubted yourself? Explaining why you felt this way.

Once you've done that, write a letter to yourself, forgiving yourself and discuss ways you could avoid that doubt in the future.

*Self doubt is HUGE when having your own business, especially within the creative industry as our work is very personal to us. So, learning how to ride those waves is a super helpful thing to have!*


When do I feel happiest with my work?

Is it a certain genre of work, i.e. newborns, maternity?

Is it a certain edit I loved?

Is it a certain interaction with a client?

Is it the feedback I get?


Who is your ideal client?

What is their age?

What does their lifestyle look like?

What is their dress style?



Who is your ideal client?

What is their age?

What does their lifestyle look like?

What is their dress style?



What are you struggling with at this moment in time?


Now what are you going to do about it? Make an action plan.


What do you feel most proud of throughout your entire business journey? Celebrate your wins girl!


After all of these questions...

Now rewrite your goals, both short term and long term.

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